Term Life Insurance

Useful for people who want to address a particular financial concern, such as replacing lost income while working

Understanding Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance provides financial protection for a specific period, such as 10, 15, 20, or 30 years. If the policyholder passes away within this term, the beneficiaries receive a death benefit. However, if the term expires and the policy is not renewed, no benefits are paid.


Key Benefits of Term Life Insurance

  • Affordability: Term life insurance is generally more affordable than permanent life insurance, offering substantial coverage at a lower cost.
  • Flexibility: Choose the duration that best suits your financial goals, such as covering mortgage payments or providing income during child-raising years.
  • Simplicity: Term policies are straightforward, making it easier to understand and manage your coverage.

Who Should Consider Term Life Insurance?

  • Young Families: Provide financial security for your children’s future.
  • Homeowners: Ensure mortgage payments are covered in case of an untimely death.
  • Working Professionals: Replace lost income to support dependents during key earning years.

Why Choose JWS Insurance?

At JWS Insurance, we tailor term life insurance policies to meet your specific needs. Our experienced agents guide you through the process, ensuring you understand your options and choose the best plan. We are committed to offering personalized service and expert advice.

Invest in peace of mind with JWS Insurance’s term life insurance.

Industry Insight:

According to recent data, 41% of Americans do not have any form of life insurance, leaving their families financially vulnerable. Term life insurance is an affordable and effective way to secure your loved ones’ future. Take the next step and talk to a representative of JWS Group Insurance today!


Invest in peace of mind with JWS Insurance’s term life insurance. Ensure your loved ones are protected and financially secure.

How does term life insurance work?

You pay regular premiums for the duration of the term. If you pass away during this period, the insurance company pays a death benefit to your beneficiaries. If you outlive the term, the coverage ends unless you renew the policy, often at a higher premium.

How much term life insurance do I need?

The amount depends on your financial obligations, such as debts, income replacement, and future expenses. A common recommendation is to have a policy worth 10-12 times your annual income.

Can I convert my term life insurance to a permanent policy?

Many term life policies offer the option to convert to a permanent life insurance policy without a medical exam. This feature allows you to extend your coverage as your needs change.

What happens if I miss a premium payment?

Most life insurance policies have a grace period, typically 30 days, during which you can make the payment without losing coverage. If you fail to pay within this period, the policy may lapse, and coverage will end.

Is term life insurance renewable?

Yes, term life insurance is renewable. However, premiums will typically increase with each renewal, reflecting the policyholder’s increased age and potential health risks.

How do I choose the right term life insurance policy?

Consider your financial goals, the needs of your dependents, and your budget. Consulting with an insurance professional can help you navigate options and find the best policy for your circumstances.

Why choose JWS Insurance for term life insurance?

At JWS Insurance, we offer personalized service and expert guidance to help you find the right term life insurance policy. Our dedicated agents will work with you to assess your needs and recommend the best coverage options.

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Ready to explore your insurance options? Contact us today! Let’s start a conversation about how we can meet your insurance needs and secure your future. At JWS Insurance, we treat you like family!

Beaverton Oregon