Group Insurance

A common employee benefit that provides financial protection to employees’ families in the event of their death.

Group Insurance

The group insurance policy guards against both life and credit risk.

Understanding Group Insurance

Group life insurance is a valuable employee benefit that provides financial protection to the families of employees in the event of their death. This employer-sponsored coverage offers a death benefit to the insured’s beneficiaries, ensuring financial support during difficult times.


Advantages for Employers

  • Cost-Effective: Group life insurance is often more affordable than individual policies, making it a cost-effective way for employers to offer substantial benefits.
  • Employee Satisfaction: Providing life insurance boosts employee morale and satisfaction, demonstrating a commitment to their well-being.
  • Talent Attraction and Retention: Competitive benefits packages, including group life insurance, help attract and retain top talent in the workforce.

Benefits for Employees

  • Guaranteed Coverage: Group policies typically offer guaranteed coverage without the need for medical exams or health questionnaires.
  • Ease of Enrollment: Enrollment is straightforward and often automated, requiring minimal effort from employees.
  • Optional Additional Coverage: Employees can often purchase additional coverage for themselves, their spouses, and their children through payroll deductions.

Why Choose JWS Insurance?

JWS Insurance provides tailored group life insurance plans designed to meet the needs of both employers and employees. Our expert team guides you through the selection process, ensuring you understand the options available and choose the best coverage.

Industry Insight:

According to a 2017 LIMRA survey, employer-sponsored life insurance plans cover more Americans than individual policies, highlighting the widespread reliance on these benefits for financial security.


Invest in the financial well-being of your employees with JWS Insurance’s group life insurance plans. Secure their future and demonstrate your commitment to their families’ security.

How does group life insurance work?

Employers provide basic life insurance coverage at no cost to employees, with the option for employees to purchase additional coverage through payroll deductions. The policy guarantees coverage without requiring medical exams.

Can employees take their group life insurance policy with them if they leave the company?

Most group life insurance policies are not portable, meaning coverage ends when the employee leaves the company. However, some plans may offer a conversion option to an individual policy.

What is the difference between group life insurance and individual life insurance?

Group life insurance is provided through an employer and often has guaranteed coverage without medical exams. Individual life insurance policies are purchased independently and typically require medical underwriting.

Why choose JWS Insurance for group life insurance?

JWS Insurance offers tailored group life insurance plans designed to meet the needs of both employers and employees. Our expert team provides personalized service and guidance to ensure you choose the best coverage.

Contact Us


Ready to explore your insurance options? Contact us today! Let’s start a conversation about how we can meet your insurance needs and secure your future. At JWS Insurance, we treat you like family!

Beaverton Oregon