Permanent Life Insurance

Ideal for individuals seeking long-term financial protection and wealth accumulation

Understanding Permanent Life Insurance

Permanent life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance that provides coverage for the entirety of your life, as long as premiums are paid. It combines a death benefit with a cash value component that grows over time.


Key Benefits of Permanent Life Insurance

  • Lifetime Coverage: Unlike term life insurance, permanent life insurance ensures your beneficiaries receive a death benefit regardless of when you pass away.
  • Cash Value Accumulation: Part of your premium payments contributes to a cash value account, which grows tax-deferred over time. This can be borrowed against or withdrawn, providing financial flexibility.
  • Fixed Premiums: Premiums remain constant throughout the life of the policy, making it easier to manage long-term financial planning.

Who Should Consider Permanent Life Insurance?

Whole life insurance is ideal for individuals seeking:

  • Long-Term Financial Security: Ensure your loved ones are financially protected with a guaranteed death benefit.
  • Wealth Accumulation: Build cash value that can supplement retirement savings or serve as an emergency fund.
  • Estate Planning: Facilitate wealth transfer by funding a trust for your heirs or covering estate taxes.

Why Choose JWS Insurance?

At JWS Insurance, we offer personalized permanent life insurance policies tailored to your specific needs. Our knowledgeable agents provide expert guidance to help you understand your options and choose the best coverage. We are committed to delivering exceptional service and support throughout your policy’s life.

See how the Process works here

Industry Insight:

A 2023 study by LIMRA and Life Happens revealed a positive trend in life insurance ownership, with 52% of individuals reporting coverage, compared to 50% in the previous year. This indicates a growing awareness of the importance of life insurance in securing financial protection for loved ones. Whole life insurance provides both protection and savings, making it a versatile choice for long-term financial health


Invest in a policy that grows with you and provides lifelong security. Reach out to JWS Insurance to learn more about permanent life insurance and how it can benefit you and your family.

Can I access the cash value of my permanent life insurance policy?

Yes, you can borrow against or withdraw from the cash value. However, loans and withdrawals may reduce the death benefit and could incur taxes if not repaid.

How are the premiums for permanent life insurance determined?

Premiums are based on factors like age, health, and the desired death benefit. They remain constant throughout the policy’s duration, providing stability in financial planning.

Is permanent life insurance more expensive than term life insurance?

Yes, whole life insurance typically has higher premiums than term life insurance due to its lifelong coverage and cash value component. However, it offers additional benefits that can be valuable over the long term.

What happens if I stop paying premiums?

If you stop paying premiums, your policy may lapse, and coverage will end. However, you might have options like using accumulated cash value to pay premiums or converting the policy to reduced paid-up insurance.

Can I convert my term life insurance to permanent life insurance?

Many term life policies offer the option to convert to whole life insurance without a medical exam, allowing you to maintain coverage as your needs change.

Why choose JWS Insurance for term life insurance?

JWS Insurance offers personalized service, expert guidance, and tailored whole life insurance policies to meet your unique needs. Our dedicated agents ensure you understand your options and help you choose the best coverage.

Contact Us


Ready to explore your insurance options? Contact us today! Let’s start a conversation about how we can meet your insurance needs and secure your future. At JWS Insurance, we treat you like family!

Beaverton Oregon